Star Trek Book Reviews
Since the mid 1960s, when the history of Star Trek began, the ideas
that made up the Star Trek universe have expanded. From television
series, motion pictures, cartoons, role playing games, computer
games, merchendise, conventions, and even comics and BOOKS! A few
hundred have already left the print, and plenty more are on the
way. There are even more fan stories being written all the time.
The Star Trek universe is host to the adventures of the original
TOS crew, The New Generation, Deep Space 9, Voyager, New Frontier,and
Enterprise. In the last few years we've even had books that were
crossover novels, which are novel dealing with more than one of
the Star Trek series. We've also had a few book series come out
that each told a story about a specific theme, or a common element
(like "The Captain's Table").
Even though the Star Trek Original Series has long been off the
air as a weekly series, there is still a soft spot in the heart
of the true fan who wants to know what happened before, during,
and after our friends aboard the Enterprise popped off into warp
one last time.
Star Trek - The Next Generation, the television series, was met
with great dismay by many of the TOS fans. Those fans asked out
loud - 'How in the world could "they" do this? Replace
Kirk and Spock and Scotty and the rest of the crew with a bunch
of "newbies"? Who thought they could get away with that?
and be successful at it?'
Most of the authors of the Star Trek Deep Space Nine books have
done a pretty good job adding even more depth to the characters
and the storylines. We hope that you'll enjoy reading the books
about this series.
This section of the Star Trek Library is the home of not only the
Star Trek Voyager series, but The New Frontier and Titan, the follow up
to The Next Generation, as well as anything else we can get our
hands on sent in by our loyal readers and reviewers.
This small section of the Library will include all those books relating to the short-lived Enterprise series.